DFI Week 7
Reflection 7
Todays hot topic was an extremely exotic sounding word, that truth be told, I had heard before but didn't know what it meant; Ubiquitous. When you lookup the word ubiquitous, it says, existing or being everywhere at the same time. This is where the clogs start turning and the realization that ubiquitous is well suited to this pedagogy of the Manaiakalani Programme, the "Keyword" if you will, to digital learning, Any time, Any where, Any pace, Anyone.
Ubiquitous ties in with the rewindable learning tool we have at our fingertips through the many platforms in our learning and teaching. It really does all make sense when you pull all the words from this kaupapa together from the Manaiakalani programme and I am understanding this kaupapa more and more each week that goes by.
I feel very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to be taught a more in-depth view of this programme, especially for the benefit of the tamariki I teach. I am extremely nervous about the exam for various reasons, but the exam is not as important to me as the knowledge and understanding I have gained through this DFI course. I am only a third year kaiako and this course to me is a turning point in my learning and in turn for the learning of the tamariki I teach.
Few little things I'm taking away with me today for my learners (&myself)
- Look into the Summer Learning Journey.
- Run google meets in the class when we are back at school so if we go into another lockdown, we are all familiar with it, (using headphones of course!).
- Saving the class site as an icon on your phone for easy access (Thanks Jacob!), I have done this already.
- The importance of having class and individual blogs, Fiona stressed this in her talk.
- Getting acquainted with screencastify, I can see this being used quite frequently in our akomanga.
- Being introduced to Explain Everything as another digital tool to use.
Really cool to see you linking the pedagogy to the practise here! In the end Ubiquitous learning comes from us as teachers adding in all these little things to our programmes that provide that access for students and turning the idea that learning doesn't have to just take place from 9-3 in the classroom. Keep up all your hard work Tracy!