DFI Week 4
Reflection 4
Sometimes we have to sit back and think about the importance of sharing our work. At times we all want to show someone else what we have done and maybe get some acknowledgment from others for our efforts. Our students are no different. Even a simple photo taken of a student holding up their work showcases the effort they have put into their learning. You see, to me when I take that photo of them and their finished, or even attempted completion of that work, it's the proudness in that smile they give that shows me they enjoyed their learning and they were engaged in what they had accomplished. This gives them confidence to keep accomplishing over and over again and not being afraid to ask for help to achieve it.
Who hasn't seen a child drag someone by the hand into their class and say, look at my work, this one's mine. Imagine them now being able to put that work onto their own blog for the world to see. To have a collection of your learning in a space that is your own but it can be reached by many beyond the classroom walls and workbooks, opening up a broader audience. For them this is definitely look at my learning, look at what I created and now I'm sharing it with you so you can SEE what I learnt and how I learnt it and that I finished it, or tried to. This gives students a voice in their learning. I believe sharing student voice and teachers voice through sharing our learning gives us and them a platform to build engagement and motivation. This flows over into sense of belonging, positive relationships, greater self esteem and in turn higher academic achievement, all any teacher wants for their students. Well that's what I want for mine and after learning more about the manaiakalani programme, I'm a fan on finding out how to accomplish this and learning what I can to make this happen for my tamariki. I'm really proud of what I'm learning at the moment, so that's why I like to share with you..... on my blog.
So, each week there are more wonderful things to learn and hot tips to help us out. This week it was learning about SHARE and what this means in the manaiakalani programme, google forms, my maps, google sheets, and blog comments. I'm still a little like a fish out of water with these things but hey, I know stuff I didn't know before or would not have even attempted to play around with. You know what though, attempting these things has given me confidence, greater self esteem, engagement and motivation to learn, not to mention wanting share with my colleagues what I am learning .. go figure.
It's safe to say all of the above for me rolls into confidence, capability, workflow, professional and personal life improvements. I have to admit my biggest take away was the importance of sharing for our tamariki. Share, finish, learning or is it learning, finish, share, or finish, learning share? If it was a multiple choice on a google form, I'd pick all 'of the above'.
Kia ora Tracey, I couldn't agree with you more. It is such an important part of the learning experience to be able to show what you have learnt and to take the time to revel in your accomplishments no matter how big or small they may be. Blogs certainly open up the possibilities for this and can be such a fantastic tool in a learning space. I am glad you are feeling more and more confident and understand that you don't have to be great at something in order to share you knowledge on it. Just the act of sharing itself can open up new learning pathways. Keep up all your hard work!